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··667 words·4 mins

Difficulty: easy

In this long and arduous quest to retrieve The Starry Spurr, we seek only the most loyal and courageous young souls. If you have the strength and determination, come forth and join us on this epic journey!

Init #

We are given a docker environment, binary and custom glibc.

The binary security:

    Arch:       amd64-64-little
    RELRO:      Full RELRO
    Stack:      No canary found
    NX:         NX enabled
    PIE:        No PIE (0x400000)
    RUNPATH:    b'./glibc/'
    SHSTK:      Enabled
    IBT:        Enabled
    Stripped:   No

No canary and PIE is huge.

Reversing #

We have a C++ binary which has a menu with 3 options:

Menu output showcase

Creating profile #

For profile creation we have several variables:

  • name
  • class
  • age

These are allocated on the heap (pointers).

The inputting process is as such:

  std::operator<<((ostream *)std::cout,
                  "\n[*] You need to enter your Name, Class, and Age.\n\n[+] Name:  ");
  std::getline<>((istream *)std::cin,local_48);
  std::operator<<((ostream *)std::cout,"[+] Class: ");
  std::getline<>((istream *)std::cin,local_68);
  std::operator<<((ostream *)std::cout,"[+] Age:   ");

As for age we shall be using read instead of classic C++ cin.

We shall be writing into stack first and then it’s copied.

These variables are then printed as strings back to us.

Start Journey #

This essentially only tells a piece of story and then proceeds to use getline() into a stack variable.


Depending on your tooling this may be different. Ghidra is not capable of recognizing the last argument - 0x2f. Must be done manually.

Vulnerability Research #

No need for fuzzing or anything, these bugs are simple enough for manual research.

Stack OOBW #

In the journey code path we can see that the getline is expecting 0x2f bytes.

Well this is strongly overflowable as we are not using std::string, but classic pointer instead into a statically allocated stack buffer.

Unitialized Variable Leakage #

The buffers which are written into during create profile code path are not actually initialized.

This in itself might’ve been useless, however with the read API call into age variable we can leak anything which was written on the stack before.

Such leakage can be used to bypass ASLR for libraries or binary (We do not have PIE in this challenge however).

Exploit Development #

This is a pretty classic stack overflow challenge. There is one catch however (And one more for the remote version).

Finding RIP #

The distance to ret can be fuzzed or calculated. For better writeup exp:

pwndbg> dq $rsp-0x40
00007ffdca910490     0000000000000a33 00007ffdca910700
00007ffdca9104a0     4141414141414141 4141414141414141
00007ffdca9104b0     4141414141414141 4141414141414141
00007ffdca9104c0     4141414141414141 0000414141414141

*RIP  0x414141414141

We are only capable of overwritting 6 bytes from ret address.

There is the catch.. it means we can only use a single ROP gadget to achieve something.

As bad as it sounds inside Linux glibc we have several gadgets which take care of executing /bin/sh for us without much work. Such gadget was given nickname: one gadget. You can utilize several tools to find it, however I mostly use this one. These gadgets have certain constraints in which the registers must be setup, otherwise we fail. This can be easily done manually by trial and error as you only have a few of them available.

Libc info leak #

Libraries are still affected by ASLR, therefore we are required to leak it.

Fortunately for us several addresses are present at the stack position which we are overwriting:

00007ffd3a737390     00007f8b5ae045c0 00007f8b5ae01ee0
00007ffd3a7373a0     0000000000000110 0000000000404220
00007ffd3a7373b0     00007ffd3a737400 00007f8b5ac93bca

We can see 3 library addresses - they start off with 0x7f8b… These are the main points of interest.

Now here is the catch number 2!

The remote version has different context for some reason (docker was also different for me during solving). Which meant the addresses were missing from these offsets and it required a little guessing time.

Eventually I found out that the libc address which we can see at the + 0x28 is at 0x18 on remote. And thus I used offsets from 00007f8b5ac93bca.

Popping the shell #

Overall the main flow goes like this:

  1. Leak libc address during profile creation
  2. Start journey to overflow
  3. Use one gadget with right constraints to pop shell
Shell popped with flag

Attachment #